Salmon can teach us that our future is dependent on our diligence today. The hardest moments require us to transform and adapt in ways that are difficult but in the end worth the sacrifice. If you are feeling hesitant to take the next step, Salmon can help guide you through the transitions and adjust to the changing tides.
Inspiring * Sacrificing * Courageous * Patient * Persistent
In group settings Salmon will often lead the pack with a zest and gusto that is contagious. Salmon is admired by many for his resilience and his ability to overcome and succeed. Be careful, salmon is sometimes so ready to fight that he loses his place with nature’s rhythms. Sometimes salmon will need to pull back and find peace and harmony even when it goes against his natural tendencies. It is essential that he takes time to evaluate the currents: sensing when to go with it, and when to fight against it. He must also work to ensure that his ego does not get the better of him. Salmon is a leader in a relationship, and values loyalty in his mate above all else.
The salmon is not one who takes the easy way in life. In fact, what he does in his lifetime defies our ideas and expectations of what is possible. He chooses to swim against the current, going against nature and somehow always feeling like he knows where to go – a journey back home. The salmon spirit animal deserves much appreciation as he is the most powerful and wise of creatures.
Salmon never seem to rest but they find peace through their purpose. Salmon welcome change with an adventurous spirit, even when change can be distressing. While salmon knows he cannot control nature, he can put up a good fight. He never gets discouraged and can persevere through any challenge.
Salmon can teach us that our future is dependent on our diligence today. The hardest moments require us to transform and adapt in ways that are difficult but in the end worth the sacrifice. If you are feeling hesitant to take the next step, Salmon can help guide you through the transitions and adjust to the changing tides.
The salmon’s nomadic journey in life reminds us that we cannot hold onto our worldly treasures or safe dwellings if we hope to grow. One cannot have the comforts of home and travel the world simultaneously. Salmon’s awareness of his surroundings, discernment, and strength equips him for a life of adventure.
Rejuvenated * Navigating * Grounded * Mature * Bold
Many Native traditions share that salmon have sacrificed themselves not only for the next generation, but they gave up their bodies as nourishment for the well-being of Mankind. Many tribes return the bones of Salmon to the water so that they may continue in the circle of life.
Salmon are considered wise in Celtic, Irish, and Native American folk tales. Across these diverse cultures lies a central theme: salmon are to be treated with respect, revered as heroes.
Intuitive * Confident * Resilient

It is said that Native American cultures do not think in terms of linear growth, but in circles. The salmon is a symbol of a journey and the circle of rebirth. There is a sense of wonder and beauty in salmon’s existence: how does salmon know what to do? Somehow, the answers are within his spirit. This can be a strong meditation: to understand who I am and where I am going, I must know where I began. It is as if salmon can see beyond her earthly years as she sacrifices herself so that the next generation can begin their journey. A salmon totem helps us remain grounded, focused, and persistent.

- Salmon can give you strength when you face uncertain challenges. His drive and leadership can be powerful motivators when you must battle against currents and face harsh conditions.
- Salmon symbolizes the circle of life and renewal. We are all part of this journey which will come full circle. Wear salmon when you grieve to understand that earthly loss is just a part of life.
- Wear Salmon when you face uncertain challenges and are hesitant on getting started. Salmon is not one to take the easy route, but he is respected for his ability to stay focused. Salmon's journey is harsh, but his drive and leadership can help you navigate life's obstacles.