In China the deer symbolizes luck, longevity, and happiness. In Japan, South America, and South Western tribes the deer is considered very sacred and a messenger of God. In certain Mexican tribes, humans are believe to have originated from deer and they are thought of as the first caretakers of the earth. In many cultures, deer charms or totems are worn to represent a high position and prosperity.
Gentle * Aware * Lucky * Agile * Peaceful
As Deers’ eyes are on the sides of their heads, they have 310-degree vision compared to a human’s 180-degree range of sight. Their eyes also contain more rod cells than humans, giving them enhanced night vision. If you are Deer, situations may appear more clearly to you than they do to others. You are gifted to view the world through a lens of possibilities, and it is easy for you to envision a world free from obstacles and pessimism.
As a deer, every move you make is with pride, purpose, and a commanding presence. Even when running from a predator, deer moves with grace. If you struggle with anger and emotions, call on deer. With his sure-footing, mindful meditation, and deep spiritual understanding, you can learn to let go of the negative energies. Deer teaches you to tune in to a higher spirit and guides you along the easier path that you may have overlooked.
There is nothing more precious in nature than a baby fawn’s first year of life. She represents innocence, delicateness, and love through the nurturing from his mother. We all start out like this fawn: in awe of the wonders of nature, oblivious to the dangers and deception around us, and completely dependent on the protection and nourishment of a guardian. While the spots on the fawn’s back provide a camouflage at birth, they soon fade which forces him to find his own footing all too soon. To survive he learns to be wary, question his surroundings and interactions, and harden his heart. The deer totem stands as a reminder of the inner child. Many wear it to hold close to fawn’s innocent spirit.
One of the first images of the indigenous peoples was of the deer. Before a hunt, it was common for Canadian Natives to first pray to deer that he would guide the quest. The hunter would promise to never take more than he needed. Although rarer, these sacred hunting rituals are still practiced today to symbolize a respect for nature and to honor the deer’s sacrifice. Deer are still a large focus of traditional dance and art today.
Harmonious * Prosperous * Prideful * Strong
Every year, antlers of the male deer fall off and regrow, a symbol of rejuvenation. Celtic tradition considers two features of the deer: the female element which represents gentleness and grace, and the male element which represents independence and pride. This makes deer balanced. The stag is also a male symbol of the deer, who takes his place as king of the forest.
Sacrificing * Intuitive * Ambassadorial * Purposeful

Deer are very social animals and travel in groups, caring for one another and finding comfort in the company of a like-minded herd. The gentle giants are great peacemakers, encouraging others with a persistent nudge towards love. The deer’s deepest desire is for peace and unity for all the creatures of the earth. Self-love is also a crucial element for the deer and is necessary to find harmony within. Offer grace to yourself and others.

- In cultures across the world, Deer totems are worn as a symbol of prosperity, joy, and longevity.
- Deer's innocence and optimism can serve as a reminder to hold on to the child-like wonder of the world. Wear this totem when you need to see the world through unjaded eyes.
- Deer's peaceful nature and mindfulness can encourage love towards others and love towards oneself.